I'm not a lawyer and I don't even play one on TV, but
here's some fine print:
This site is not affiliated in any
way with 4AD or any other record label or commercial entity.
I do not and will not under any circumstances profit financially
from this website, and the site does not contain any advertising. This site promotes the music of Lush, and I
encourage all visitors to go out and buy and/or legally download whatever Lush recordings are still in print so
the members of the band will receive the royalties they so
richly deserve.
I claim copyright only to this
site's design and original content. The copyright for everything else remains with the
original copyright holders. If I am asked to remove any content from
this site by the original copyright holder I will do so immediately.
Most of the content that was
obtained from other fan websites appears on multiple sites making it difficult or impossible to determine
the originator of the material, and has remained on those sites for
many years leading me to believe that its OK
to further duplicate that material here. In cases where a fan site has some
unique content, I always attempted to obtain permission to re-print
it from the site owner, but many Lush fan sites have not been
updated in years and the email addresses are no longer valid.
Most of the commercial material on this site is
promotional material intended for free distribution, and/or out of print.
I have tried to avoid placing any content on this site that is still available for
sale commercially, because I do not want to deprive any copyright holder
(especially the members of Lush and their record labels) of the
royalties they deserve. For example, I
have not and will not place any downloadable audio recordings or sheet music on this site,
and I instead urge all Lush fans to purchase any and all Lush recordings that
are still in print, to show their support for the band.
